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The EdTech Startup Show

Jan 24, 2020

On this episode of the EdTech Startup Show, my guest is Graham Forman, founder of Edovate Capital.

Note: this episode features our full conversation. Previously, I shared three highlights of this conversation.

You can read and listen to those here:

Jan 21, 2020

This is the third and final snippet of my conversation with Graham Forman, 3X edtech startup operator and founder of early-stage investment company Edovate Capital.

Here, Graham gives detailed advice to education entrepreneurs looking to scale their edtech startup and sell to schools. 

No article for this one, but you...

Jan 17, 2020

Here's the second clip from my conversation with Graham Forman of Edovate Capital. The audio clears up for this one.

In this clip, Graham answers the question: "why do you choose to do seed-stage investing in EdTech?"

To read this as a Q/A article, click...

Jan 17, 2020

Note: there's a little "buzz" in the background. Graham's answers are so valuable that I had to share it anyway : )

This is a clip from my conversation with Graham Forman of Edovate Capital. More from Graham coming soon.

In this clip answers the question: "What patterns do you notice after talking to 500+ edtech...